The girl ran blindly through the dark forest, branches and weeds whipped her face and arms hard. Tears sprang down from her eyes, and fell down onto the dead leaves underneath her feet, as the cowl of her cloak flew off her head, and blond hair flew out behind her. A horn sounded behind her, loud and clear, this is it thought the girl. They're going to catch me, and it will all have been for nothing. The hunt was coming after her not far behind, she had to leave after seeing what her family truly was, what they all stood for...What she had stood for.
The sixteen year old girl reached a dark valley, and ran down it, waiting at the bottom of it was a pool of dark water.
The Shadowmoon.
She crouched down, placing her hand, palm down on the cold black water, it rippled underneath her touch and a wispy black horse leaped out of the water. The horses red eyes flickered from the bright fire inside them, Sorcerer, was the horses name. He was a shadowspirit, made from pure shadows. "Please Sorcerer, I need a ride out of here" the girl whispered, the spirit dipped his head to her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a glowing flash of red at the top of the valley, the girl grabbed the horses shadow mane, and swung herself onto his back. The spirit didn't wait for her to be ready, but leaped back into the Shadowmoon.
Heading down, down into the deep depts. of darkness.



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