Autumn in Faralee

For The Forest of Faralee, when the season turns to autumn, the leaves change color from green, to red/yellow/orange/purple. They fall down with the wind and rain normally, and when they do, they stay on the ground, until the very last one falls. When the last one falls the forest senses it, and during that night the magic of the forest puts the leaves all back on the trees, with all their vibrant colors still. They stay there all winter, and even when there's huge gusts of wind and intense snowstorms, the leaves do not leave the trees. When the time comes in spring for new ones to grow, they suddenly disappear during the night once again, leaving time and room for new ones to grow. The leaves start to change colors in the month of Windfall, sometimes late Brightfrost. (See earlier post)

Pictures of the leaves in the Forest of Faralee down below.

Beautiful leaves up above.

A secret path in the woods.

A leaf that has fallen.


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